Masuk Daftar

berkas kawat bahasa Inggris

  • berkas:    bunch; sheaf (sheaves); tuft; wad; computer
  • kawat:    wire; cable television; transmission line;
  • berkas:    bunch; sheaf (sheaves); tuft; wad; computer files; bundle; sheaf; get; gaining control; nail; pick up; arrest; computer file; nab; collar; apprehend; bale; cop; file; capture; collection; catch; sei
  • kawat:    wire; cable television; transmission line; cablegram; cable; line; overseas telegram; lateral raise; cable system; telegram; cable television service; string
  • kawat-kawat leacher:    leacher wires
  • angkutan berkas:    beam transport
  • berbagi berkas:    file sharing
  • berkas (petanian):    sheaf (agriculture)
  • berkas astigmatik:    astigmatic pencil
  • berkas atom:    atomic beam
  • berkas bachmann:    bachmann's bundle
  • berkas cahaya:    beam; beam of light; pencil of light; shaft of light; shaft; half-line
  • berkas elektron:    electron beam
  • berkas gfdl:    gfdl files
  • berkas kolinear:    collinear beams